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Benjamin F. Shroyer Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements

The Benjamin F. Shroyer Scholarship gives preference to the students who desire to attend college, desire to enter the field of nursing, desire to study in the medical field, and who are the children of First Merchants Bank or Old National Delaware County employees.  Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and have applied for admission to a college or university.  Students are eligible to receive up to eight semester awards during the course of their studies, and must maintain a 2.0 minimum GPA, and must submit their transcript for renewal each semester.

Parent of applicants must have been working at Old National Bank and Trust, First Merchants Bank, First Merchants Corporation, or First Merchants Private Wealth Advisors for a minimum of two consecutive calendar years by the coming fall semester in order for their children to be eligible to apply for the scholarship. Parents of applicants must be employed in one of the offices located in Delaware County.

Required Material

Supplemental Information (to be included with scholarship application:)

  • List of extra-curricular activities (i.e. Athletics, Social Clubs, Student Body Government, Community Involvement, Honors, Awards, etc.). Include the activity, years participating and any offices held, recognition and/or honors.
  • List work experience & wage earned (current-employment first).
  • A brief summary about your intended area of study and your reason for choosing this major or career: (Required for both new & renewal applicants.
  • Most recent high school or college transcript. High school transcript should include SAT and/or ACT scores. College transcript must include school name, student name, most recent semester GPA.

Instructions for submitting required material:

  • Compile application and all supplemental information into one PDF file and/or Microsoft Word file (pdf. and .docx are the only file types accepted).
  • You will attach files on the application website page.
  • Please keep in mind, uploads must be under 50mb.

For more information contact:

First Merchants Private Wealth Advisors
P.O. Box 1467
Muncie, IN 47308-1467
[email protected]